Terms and Conditions


SNB SERVICES means a company under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956. SNB SERVICES is the registered brand of SNB SERVICES under which the services are provided. ‘Customer Premises Equipment’ or ‘CPE’ shall mean and any other equipment/ accessories included with it and supplied (but not sold) by SNB SERVICES. ‘Customer Equipment’ shall mean any equipment not provided by SNB SERVICES. ‘Network’ shall mean SNB SERVICES’s network through which services are or would be made available to the Customer. ‘‘Relationship Period’ shall mean the period commencing upon activation of the services and shall run in concurrence with the license agreement under which SNB SERVICES is authorize to provided services within the network (License Agreement’), unless otherwise terminated. ‘Services’ shall mean all Telephone Services provided by SNB SERVICES to its customers, shall include Telephone, Internet, Value Added Services (VAS) and/ or any supplementary/additional services made available to the customer. ‘Customer’ shall mean a person (including any entity or association of persons) who has subscribed to the Services after completing the required formalities i.e making necessary payment etc, and gets activated on SNB SERVICES’s network. Mere execution of the CRF (Customer Registration Form) shall neither constitute a person to be a customer/subscriber or consumer of SNB SERVICES. ‘Subscriber Application Form’ or ‘SAF’ shall mean the Non-Transferable Form appended herewith, which has been filled and executed by the customer for subscribing to the services. ‘Tariffs’ shall mean all the Rates, Fees, Charges, Levies etc. and related conditions including but not limited to Activation Fee, Usage Charges, Deposits, Advances and Services Tax and any other Statutory outgoing under the Tariff schedule as notified by SNB SERVICES for providing services.


SNB SERVICES reserves the right to disconnect the service to any customer in case there is sufficient evidence of the customer intentionally orunintentionally using the service in a manner which would adversely impact SNB SERVICES's Network. The customer shall be responsible for using the service only for Legal and appropriate purposes. The customer shall be responsible for authorizing the SAF which is assign to his CRM Portal account. To reject any SAF, in case the particulars provided therein are incomplete, incorrect or for any other legally just and valid reason. The information provided by the customer / gathered by SNB SERVICES shall become SNB SERVICES’s property even if SAF is rejected and SNB SERVICES may use the said any lawful purpose, subject to the applicable laws and regulations. SNB SERVICES reserves the right to terminate the services in the event of non-payment of bills preferred by SNB SERVICES in accordance with the tariffplans opted by the customer and the extent of usage or any default on the part of customers.


SNB SERVICES may revise the tariff for its ISP services services & its value added services from time to time to on its sole discretion. SNB SERVICES reserves the right to modify or upgrade the network infratruture or technology from time to time to on its sole discretion.


If at anytime, during the continuance of SNB SERVICES ISP services Services, the performance in whole or part, of any obligation under it shall be prevented or delayed by reason of war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes, lock-out or act of GOD etc., the subscriber shall not have any claim for damages against SNB SERVICES in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance of SNB SERVICES ISP services Services


SNB SERVICES makes no express or implied Warranty/Guarantee, representation or undertaking whatsoever regarding the Services, which are not expressly mentioned herein. SNB SERVICES shall not be responsible for any acts or omissions of any third party including franchisees/dealers/distributors/retailers etc., with regard to scheme(s) which are not expressly authorized by SNB SERVICES. SNB SERVICES shall not be liable to the customer if any Delays, Loss of Business, Profit, Revenue or Goodwill, Anticipated Savings, Use of Contracts, Damages, Fees Costs, Expenses, Orders, Judgments, etc or for any indirect or consequential loss, howsoever it arises for or account of unavailability/usage of Services or otherwise. SNB SERVICES shall not be liable to the customer for Injuries or Damages resulting from Omissions, Interruptions, Delays, Errors in Transmission, Failures or Defects, in equipments, or any other cause including but not limited to the failure or defects in equipments, or any other cause including but not limited to the failure to transmit, which are connected with incidents of Fire, Explosion, War, Riots, Strikes, Lockouts, Picketing Boycotts, and cause originating in the facilities or operations of other telecom or allied service providers and other reasons or causes beyond the control of SNB SERVICES or for any reason whatsoever. The Terms and conditions herein shall be subject to the notifications/guidelines issues by TRAI and DoT, from Time to time.